
Student Activities, Athletics and Clubs

There are several types of after school activities that occur in the Middle School as well as a few lunch time activities. This directory lists many, but not all, activities (we are adding to the list all the time!).

Students who want more information about any activity should ask the teacher in charge or ask in the office. If a student misses the sign-up for an activity, it is often still possible to participate.

Students are expected to arrange for rides home at the end of these activities and wait in the front lobby. Students cannot stay after school without permission from and direct supervision by a staff member

Academic Help
There are two ways students can get help from a teacher after school:

Teacher Help: Teachers often ask students to stay with them for individual help because homework is incomplete or because a student is struggling with the course content. This help is set up directly with the teacher and usually goes until 4:15 p.m. Teachers generally designate which days are available for this help.

Homework Club:
There is a 6th grade Homework Club, a 7th grade Homework Club, and an 8th grade Homework Club.  Students use HW Club to complete assignments, get extra help, make up work, or just have a quiet place to study.  All students staying for HW Club report at 3:15  and are expected to stay until 4:15.*  Arrangements can be made to work in the library or the computer lab.  Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack and drink.  Students who need rides should make arrangements to be picked up no later than 4:20.  (HW Club usually meets twice each week on Tuesday and Thursday.)  The rooms will be announced.  
*(Sometimes students request to leave before 4:15 when their homework is done; however we need your permission to have your child leave early.  If your child needs to leave the club early, please send a note informing the homework club proctor of the early dismissal.  This helps in ensuring your child’s safety.)

There are two after school sports programs: intramurals and inter-scholastics.

Intramurals:  Our intramural program at the Middle School is open to all students.  There are different modules offered throughout the year. Sports options may include: touch football, climbing, yoga, soccer, archery, field hockey, basketball, badminton, volleyball, hockey and others.  Students attend as many days as they wish.  

The interscholastic program in the Middle School is open to 7th and 8th graders.  The fall teams consist of boys’ soccer, girls’ soccer, field hockey, and cross country track.  Practice and/or games are every day but Wednesday and students are expected to attend every day.  (There is an interscholastic sports participation fee of $100/sport.)  Prior to tryouts, all students must ensure that they have a physical within the last 13 months.  If one is not on file at the school, a physical form must be provided prior to the tryouts. 

There are a variety of after-school and lunchtime clubs that meet each year depending on student interest and the availability of a faculty advisor. These clubs usually meet one day per week although some meet more often. Attendance for the clubs is optional.

For a full list of clubs and musical programs CLICK HERE (to be updated).

Examples of this year's offerings include the following:

Rocket Club: Students will build and launch model rockets. 

Science Olympiad: This club meets from October through March.  Students compete in a variety of activities that encourage competitive teamwork in science and engineering fields.  Examples of activities from past Science Olympiads are egg drop, building projectile devices, astronomy and chemistry events, etc.  The team competes in regional events during the year and the state competition in the spring. 

Math Team: The Math Team meets once a week. The Math Team competes with other local schools five times a year.  Participation is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. 

Yearbook Photography Club: Students generally after school and utilize digital cameras to photograph school events.   Additionally, members learn photo composition, selection, and layout skills in creating our yearbook. 

Yearbook Crew meets on Tuesdays in Room from 3:20-4:15. See Ms Galvani for more information.

School and Community Service Club
:  This club meets throughout the year both during the school day and afternoons and/or evenings depending on each project.  Recent examples of student efforts include:  recycling, serving meals in a shelter, working in the community garden, and making sandwiches for a local soup kitchen, to name just a few. Listen to the announcements for opportunities to be involved.

Open Art Studio:
  This relaxing yet busy studio time is an opportunity for students to work on a project of their choice, experience media of their choice or to have more time to work on a project they are currently creating in their Art Class. A perfect opportunity to have extra time practicing their artistic skills and techniques. 


Jazz Band: The Jazz Band meets twice a week on Tuesday and Fridays afternoons, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. This is our travel group and is open, by audition, to those who play big band instruments. Students must be a member of a flex music group to be eligible for a jazz group (except guitar and piano players).

Honor Band
: Participation by audition, meets Mondays 3:30-4:30.

Jazz Lab:
The Jazz Lab is open to all students and meets Thursday afternoon from 3:30 - 4:30, 

Select Chorus:
Select Chorus meets after school on Thursday (3:30 - 4:30) and Wednesday mornings (7:45 - 8:30 a.m.).  This chorus provides an opportunity for singers to learn more challenging repertoire, including the Junior District audition pieces.  It also provides an opportunity for band and orchestra members to sing chorus music.  Students are selected by audition and must be members of school-day Chorus, Band, or Orchestra to be eligible.  

Honors Chamber Orchestra:
  The Honors Chamber Orchestra (HCO) is a select ensemble consisting of auditioned students in grades 6-8 of outstanding performance ability. The group rehearses on Mondays from 3:30 – 4:30. In addition to performing at each orchestra concert, HCO performs on a tour of the elementary schools, at local functions such as the Wayland Public Schools Foundation annual fundraiser and the Wayland Chinese New Year Celebration, as well as a competitive festival each spring. HCO is a fantastic way to challenge yourself on your instrument while making new friends and learning great music! 


After School Plays: A fall play, a winter musical and a spring one act that travels to a middle school festival are offered each year. Students are selected by audition for the shows. The musical accepts everyone that wants to be in it, the fall and spring may have cuts. Actors are called 3-5 days a week for rehearsal. Depending on our staffing, we may offer theatre tech (sets, props, lights, sound, costumes) once a week, usually on Wednesdays.

Lunch-time Clubs

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