Course Registration - Rising 9th Graders

Rising 9th Grade Course Recommendation Timeline
 for 2022-2023



-8th grade counselor reviews recommendations during cluster meetings.
-8th grade students hear a presentation from high school guidance counselors about the 9th grade course selection process.
- Presentation for 8th grade parents at the high school (date and time TBD) 
-8th graders view High School Program of Studies during TAG. 

-Parents and students review course recommendations on eSchool HAC.  (If parents/students are considering an override of a course recommendation, please carefully read the override process information below.) 
-Students and parents can enter elective requests.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 8th grade counselor, Suzanne Bernstein


-Deadline for override appeal paperwork. 
-Final date for override meetings with 8th grade teachers.


Course Recommendation Override Process-

Parents/guardians of students who did not meet the recommendation criteria for a course may initiate an appeals process if the student demonstrated mastery by earning “E” (Exceeds Standards) in the majority of competencies and have no ”NY/U” (Not Yet Meeting Standards/Unsatisfactory) in order to move into a higher level. Placement recommendations can be changed if “NY/U” happen after recommendations have been submitted. Note: 4 = E; 3 = M; 2 = NY; 1 = U

If you are considering an override of your child's course recommendation, please contact your student's teacher for that subject.  The teacher will explain the appeal process and necessary paperwork:

By the first week of May the student must submit a one-page statement in support of entering the desired course and include supporting evidence, i.e. writing samples, tests and quizzes, plans for additional support, etc.

The curriculum leader will then schedule an appeal meeting involving you, your child, the teacher, and the curriculum leader. 

If after the appeal meeting, an agreement cannot be reached between you, your child and the department, the original teacher recommendation stands and your child will be placed on a waitlist for the course the override is being sought for, with priority given to students who have met the prerequisite conditions.

Following the override meeting, you will sign an override statement, acknowledging the recommendation of the professional staff.  If your child is enrolled in a course for which they are not recommended and fails to maintain a B– average or better at the end of the semester, they will be moved to the more appropriate level.  If it is not practical to reschedule your child at that time, they may remain in the course in question but with the clear understanding that they will not be allowed to enroll in a higher level course in that discipline in the ensuing year.  The principal’s decision with respect to such rescheduling will be final.

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