A Selected Internet Web-list For Wayland
School Parents
Webpage created by Psychologists:
Stephen Farina Psy.D., Diana Paolitto Ed.D. and Nadene Moll, Psy.D.
- Sometimes a nagging worry sends a parent on an internet search
to learn if a child has the symptoms of a particular problem in
hopes of allaying fears or at least getting some ideas about what
to do. Other times, parents want more information to develop
strategies for a child's identified challenges. Due to the
expanding volume of information on the Web, parents often have
difficulty finding the information they want. Equally problematic
is that they have difficulty determining the credibility of the
information they do find. This WEB-LIST briefly describes and links
you to web sites that contain articles, newsletters, information
and advice about the emotional, cognitive and mental health
development of children and adolescents. There are also parental
support sites. These sites have been selected primarily for
the quality of the information provided. As some of the
designated categories and the sites themselves have overlapping
information and are not selected as the sole perspective on a
topic, searching through several sites for information on any
single issue is recommended. The goal of the web-list is to
give easy access to some of the best child development information on the
Web. These links below will get you started.
The Internet Resources
General Information
These general sites are health and mental
health sites with information about children and adolescence in all aspects of health
care. Click on underlined headings below.
- Harvard Medical
School's Consumer Health Information (And More) - Children's
health, medical dictionary, drug information and conditions
and diseases. It is an excellent general health site. For mental
health click on 'conditions and diseases', then mental
health and click on children and teens. It's a large health
site - it takes some maneuvering to get what you want, but
information is dependable.
- Columbia
University's Health Education Program - Questions and answers
on many health topics. Click Browse Q and A library and then - emotional health. Good site.
- Tufts University Child and
Family Web Guide - Selected sites about child
development including health, education, parenting and
more. Excellent, well constructed site with ratings for
their links.
- American
Academy of Pediatrics: Media Matters - Dedicated to the health
safety and well being of children and adolescents. Articles and
brochures about the media's impact on children and teens.
One of the best overall sites.
- Mayo Clinic: General Parenting and Teen Health - General and reliable information on
adolescent health and parenting suggestions. Click the 'In-Depth' tab to see a multitude of articles on Teen Health or Mental Health.
These general sites are exclusively
mental health related.
- Massachusetts General Hospital School Psychiatry Program - This site will help you assess and address the needs of your child
with depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and anxiety disorders, including
panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder and includes
information about helping your child to succeed in school.
- Child and Adolescent Mental
Health (NIMH)- The National Institute of Mental Health
provides multiple articles on topics as varied as Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, children
and violence and learning disorders. It is an excellent site for
parents teachers and professionals in Mental Health.
- American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry - Assisting parents and families in
understanding developmental, behavioral, emotional and mental
conditions affecting children and adolescents. 46 fact sheets re:
symptoms and teen problems. Click on 'Facts For Families'.
Excellent site.
- Anxiety, and Other Disorders (NIMH) - A general reference with quick
facts and treatment considerations.
Additional relevant sites covering a
number of mental health
- SparkAction - An outgrowth of 'Connect For Kids' - this one-stop advocacy site takes a broad perspective about children's concerns providing Information,
stories, tools, a parent newsletter and resources to help communities 'mobilize action for and by children.' Click on several tabs to see the extent of themes addressed.
- School Psychology
Resources Online - Psychology resources and information for
parents and educators concerning topics such as learning
disabilities, mental health, anxiety, ADHD, adolescence, parenting
and more. Very easy access to topics.
- Current
Parent and Teacher Resources re:Adolescent Health - Some of
the best articles and websites on kids use of the internet, peer pressure, self esteem, anorexia, violence and others
are assembled here. Easy to access.
- Mental Health
Reference on the Internet - One of the more complete list of
links to mental health disorders in childhood. Easy to use.
- Adolescence Directory Online - Electronic resources for parents,
educators, health practitioners and teens from Adolescent
Studies at Indiana University. Topics include violence
prevention, health risks and mental health.
- Books Dealing With Children's Mental Health Topics - A selected list
of books reviewed by a child psychiatrist and in some cases by a
middle school student on relevant topics such as depression,
family problems and decision making. Recently updated.
- Middleweb: Links for
Teachers and Parents of Middle Schoolers - Brimming with
mostly educational resources for educators and parents.
Middle School reform.
Specific Information:
There is information about depression,
anxiety, eating disorders, ADHD, special education and other topics in the general sites
above and in a more focussed way in the following sites.
- The Anxiety and
Panic Internet Resource (TAPIR) - A self-help nonprofessional
organization with helpful resources and supportive forums,
personal stories and professional links. It has a bulletin board
for family and teen chats.
- Children
and Anxiety - A helpful brief guide to anxiety in kids and
related topics.
- Children
and Depression - A helpful brief article answering the
following questions: how prevalent is depression, what should
parents look for, how serious is it and what are some treatment
- The Renfrew Center For Eating Disorders
- While this is a treatment facility, the country's first residential
eating disorder facility, the site has lots of useful, practical
suggestions and facts for individuals and parents seeking to learn about
- Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) - A national organization with 22,000
members offering support, advocacy and information.
- Attention
Deficit Warehouse - Assessment and treatment information about
kids designed for parents, teachers and mental health
professionals. Medication Chart and Guidelines For
Parenting among available articles. Useful access to
available resources and books.
- National
Institute on Drug Abuse - Information for parents,
students and teachers. Excellent.
- Fact Sheets
On Alcohol And Drugs - Available links and
descriptions from alcohol and hallucinogens, to steroids,
inhalants and heroin.
- For The Care of
Children With Learning Differences - Strategies for parents and teachers to affect children's
learning and performance in the classroom. Click onto 'Reach More Learners,' then 'Explore Our Approach,' and find 'Learning Library.' Handouts to
download with practical suggestions - Well worth the effort. Excellent!
- The Interactive Guide to Learning Disabilities For Parents, Teachers and
Learn about the ABC's of Learning Disorders and/or in-depth
perspectives, tools and
- A Parent's Guide To
Helping Children With Learning Differences - Identifying and
managing learning differences, connecting with others. Click on
tabs at the top or look for site map at the bottom.
- National Association for
African American Children with Learning Disabilities - Seeks
to improve the quality of education for African American children
and raise awareness of the culturally sensitive issues facing
minority children with learning disabilities as defined by Federal
- Dyslexia The Gift -
Helpful links and information; a positive viewpoint.
- Nonverbal
Learning Disorder - School Age Child - Introductory or
advanced articles on nonverbal learning disorder - includes
information from Byron Rourke and articles by Sue Thompson and
- Nonverbal learning
disability on line - Easy access with plenty of information
and links.
- Special Education Law and
Advocacy - A site for parents, educators, advocates and
- Tourette
Syndrome Plus - Information for parents, educators and
individuals with Tourette Syndrome. See the school-related page
- Physician's Desk Reference For Consumers - The latest drug
information available to doctors and patients. Easy access to all medications.
- Down
Syndrome - Health Issues by Len Leshin, M.D., Medical essays on Down Syndrome
and issues common to children with Down Syndrome. It also has an
extensive listing of other Down Syndrome Websites and some recommended
- Griefnet - An Internet
Community Coping With Grief - GriefNet.org is an
internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major
loss. They have 47 e-mail support groups and two web sites, one
includes 'Kidsaid' , a grief community for kids. Sounds impersonal
but can be a source of support.
Parent Information:
- Parent Information -
National Network For Childcare with articles on stress, balancing
work and family, parenting teens, deciding on early dating,
teens use of the internet, discipline and more. Well worth
- Kids Health - This excellent Nemours Foundation created site has a
parent, kid and teen health component with many features. Look for
emotion and behavior link for mental health information, but
information is available for general health as well. Newsletter..
- Parenting
Resources - Solid site developed by a psychologist with easy
access and relevant issues for parenting. Very topical with
helpful linkages. Try this one.
- Talk With Your
Kids - Ideas about how to discuss difficult topics with
your kids, including issues such as drugs and alcohol, sex and
- PFLAG: Parents, Families and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays- PFLAG promotes the health and
well-being of gay and lesbian persons, their families and friends
through support, education and advocacy to end discrimination and
to secure equal civil rights. PFLAG provides opportunity for
dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to
create a society that is healthy and respectful of human
diversity. Under 'Loving Families' there are publications about school safety and children.
- Family Education - Find valuable resources for parents on the Web. School resources, idea exchange, dating, puberty and discipline, message boards and advice for parents. There is more on education than mental health.
- National Information Center For Children and Youth With Disabilities. - Great IEP reference for parents!
- Site for Parents of Children
And Teens With Bipolar and Mood Disorder - A community center,
chat rooms, message board and online support groups to connect you
with others going through similar circumstances. For a Balanced Mind, Fact sheets.
Center For Food And Drug Information: Kids' Homepage -
Information about products the Food And Drug Administration
regulates. There is a 'Teen Scene' and parenting section as
- The Brain and
Learning - For parents and educators, accessible but
professional-quality articles on the brain's relationship to motivation, stress, mood, reading, dyslexia, teenage decision making, alcohol's effect on the brain and
more. Excellent.
- Brave Kids - A Resource
For Kids With Chronic, Life Threatening Illness -
Dedicated to help children and their families. Diseases and
conditions directory, medical information, supportive kid
- Bullying.org
Where You Are Not Alone The most comprehensive site on
bullying. It strives to eliminate bullying in society by
supporting individuals and organizations to take positive actions
against bullying through sharing resources and developing
solutions to the challenges and problems associated with bullying.
Many articles and books for parents and kids, as well as submitted
- What Can Be Done About
Cyberbullying? Helpful advice for victims of cyberbullying and
those trying to help them. It is a Canadian based website offering
specific advice for parents and kids about what can be done and
how to prevent bullying on Instant Messaging (IM), cell phones,
email etc. It includes a list of cyber terms, emoticons and
acronyms to help parents decipher messages. Click on "What Can be
- Protecting Kids From
Internet Pornography and Online Risks This site provides
practical information and tips on types and sources of sexually
explicit content, ways that inappropriate material can reach
children and teens, the threat of cyberstalking, the pros and cons
of filtering and monitoring tools, and other issues involving
Internet safety.
To contact Dr. Farina, Dr. Parker or Ms Bernstein for further
correspondence, Wayland School parents can
click on our email
addresses below. Feedback about additional relevant links
or any current "dysfunctional" sites is welcome.
These suggested links are not endorsements of any of the
ideas or products found among these links. We have not read
every document accessible by these pages and we are unable
to keep up with all the changes being made at every site we
have links to. Furthermore, we take no responsibility for
the consequences of any action you might take based upon
reading the documents referenced. If you believe you or your
child has a disorder, we recommend that you seek out the
help of a licensed health care professional. Users are
cautioned to remember that some posts are made by lay
persons and are anecdotal in nature
Disclaimer of Liability: Wayland
Public Schools and employees shall not be liable to the
users of this site or to its listed participants for the
content, quality, performance or other aspect of any
information provided by the listed participants and
transmitted by this site, or for any errors in the
transmission of said information. Nor are we responsible to
any person for any damages arising in any manner out of the
use of this site. The users and participants acknowledge
that they assume all risk and/or responsibility for any loss
or damage arising from the uses to which this site is put.
We shall not be held liable in any way, shape or form for
misuse or abuse of this site by any user or